About Me
Hi I'm Dani and I'm currently a sophomore Rockville, MD, studying CompSci. My interests include graphic design, animation, storyboarding, and the occasional oddly specific topic of interest of the week. I really enjoy cartoons as a unique way of storytelling. Because of that, I’ve made a lot of my own personal projects over the years. Maybe someday I can make it big with one of them.
The thing about life is that often you don’t know where you end up. More often than not the path for your life is not strictly defined. As Uncle Iroh stated, “you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... you will come to a better place.” For now I will just see where life takes me. My overall end goal is to enter the animation industry, either as a technical sidelines or a creative role, but I think everything is too unpredictable to tell.
To me, I have already gotten a lot of my Art Scholars experience. I made new friends and that’s enough for me.